Changing Foundations Subdivisions Per Song
One of the great features of Foundations for Live is the ability to adjust the volume of each subdivision on your click. You get individual volume control of your Quarter notes, Eight notes, and Sixteenth notes. The best way to treat these controls is as "global" volume controls for each subdivision. For example, set the volume level for eight note subdivisions so that every time you use that subdivision its level is consistent from song to song.
Choose Subdivisions Per Song
Based on the tempo of your song, you'll likely want to add or remove subdivisions for that song. For example, if your song is slower, you'll likely want both quarter notes and eighth notes in your click. If your song is REALLY slow, you may even want sixteenth notes for your song. For faster songs, you'll likely only want quarter notes. In order to accomplish this, it's best to not use the volume control but to use the individual pre-programmed Foundations clips. Here's how:
Adjusting Subdivisions of Foundations
1. From Live's Browser, click the arrow to the left of the Foundations 3.0 Live Set. ( Not sure how to add Foundations to your Browser? Here's how)
2. Click the arrow to the left of the Foundations 3.0 MIDI track in the Foundations 3.0 Live Set.
For songs that you'd like both quarter notes and eighth notes, but no sixteenth notes, use the JUST QUARTERS & EIGHTS clip that matches your time signature.
3. Click on the (JUST QUARTERS & EIGHTS) clip that matches the time signature of your song.
4. Drag the clip from the browser into your Live set. Drag it the length of your song, or the length of that time signature section in your song.
For songs that you'd like only Quarter notes, and no eight notes or sixteenth notes, use the JUST QUARTERS clip that matches your time signature.
5. Click on the (JUST QUARTERS) clip that matches the time signature of your song.
6. Drag the clip from the browser into your Live set. Drag it the length of your song, or the length of that time signature section in your song.
For songs that you'd like Quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes, use the clip that matches your time signature. For example, If you're in 4/4 and you want quarters, eights, and sixteenth notes use the 4/4 clip.
7. Click on the time signature clip that matches the time signature of your song.
8. Drag the clip from the browser into your Live set. Drag it the length of your song, or the length of that time signature section in your song.
Wrap Up
It's worth noting that you can use various clips per song. For example, if mid-song you have a ritard where your song slows down, you may want to temporarily add eight notes or sixteenth notes to your click. You can follow the same method discussed in this article to achieve that result.